Your Agency Management System Is Your Most Important Employee

Manage all operations of the recruiting process with one unified computer system. Let the customers know their status instantly with Client follow up history. Visit all the recruiting processes of customers in one page.
Use the reports to make business decisions on growth.
Check out the awesome functionality of our System
It’s time to let go of those piled up files and to upgrade your company with a smart Computer system.
About VOLAR Recruitment Agency
Management System
Volar is a web based Recruitment Agency Management System which has been exclusively designed to manage all the Recruiting Processes effectively and efficiently. It gives a latest Technological Experience along with speed, security, and reliability. While developing this software our software engineers have considered each and every aspect of the processes involved in Recruitment Agency Operation. Therefore Volar is extremely suitable for initiating and tracking the processes like Call Center Management, Candidate Selection and Recruitment, Visa processing, Medical processing and Bureau processing and Agent transferring process.
You no longer have to follow the traditional processes. Cyclomax International has provided the best IT solution to enlighten your Agency Operation !
The features that make Volar special

Manage your clients’ inquiries efficiently, professionally, and in an electronically standardized manner.
Quickly update client details and process details with a simplified interface.
Manage request/complaints instantly with a client follow up history.
Network all sections (Reception/Front office console/Country Manager/Accounts)to encourage an efficient exchange of information.
Manage your accounts for payments and payroll.

Increase your enrollments using VOLAR. Helpful follow up features to keep track of the agents.
Save time using standardized data and concentrate on your marketing strategy.
The inquiry section is a valuable tool to convert more inquiries into enrollments.
Build future and mitigate Errors and Omissions by tracking every interaction.
Keep the security in the system by tracking user activities.
What's in Customer Relationship
Management Module ?
Reception Console
Reception console is engaged in registration of clients (in call/visit) and appointment management. They guide the client to the Front office console with tokens. This provides higher efficiency at busy times.
Front Office Console
Front officers are engaged in the further operations of recruiting process such as Medical Process/ Training Process/ Visa Process/ Bureau Process etc. and in Request/Complaint Management with client follow up history.
Country Manager
Finalize the client processes such as Foreign Agent Transfer Process, Bureau Process, Visa Stamping, Ticket Booking, Departure Process, Bureau Refunding Process, while managing client pool documents.